Saturday, June 4, 2011

Italian Chicken and Potatoes!

Hey guys! I hope you are all enjoying your weekend so far! For me, it will be full of cleaning and going through things we don't need anymore, and packing up the stuff we wont really need in the next two weeks! I am so excited to move! Yesterday we picked up our new bar stools and dining room table! I can't wait to move in and cook in the kitchen!
Today's featured item is Chicken and Potatoes! It is really easy to make and delicious! It doesn't take much time either! I also decided to try something new....I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! What kinds of foods are you interested in? Let me know what you want me to try to make and once we move into our new kitchen I will make it! :) How does that sound?
Alright here's the chicken and potatoes!
All you need is a pan, an onion, potatoes, chicken, and a bottle of Italian dressing

peel potatoes

everything you need!

chop potatoes into little chunks

throw potatoes into pan

Chop up chicken

throw chicken on top of potatoes in the pan

chop up as much of the onion as you want

throw the onions on top

lather in dressing, depending on how much you want (I use about 3/4 or more of the bottle!)

All ready to cook!

throw it in the oven at 350 degrees for about an hour, depending on how much you put in the pan

and then its ready to go!

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